Fossil fuel phase-out with biomass

Our climate project in Soacha, Colombia

Biomass in Soacha, Colombia

See here how biomass helps to take climate action

Biomass is a highly underestimated and valuable raw material. It refers to natural waste such as branches, leaves or coconut shells that can be used to generate renewable energy. Using biomass as an alternative energy source prevents the use of coal, which creates better health conditions for the community and leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions. The reduction in CO2 emissions can be claimed in the form of verified emission reductions. The revenue from these enables the fuel switch from coal to biomass. In the course of this, natural waste becomes a valuable raw material for industrial processes.

Why the need to use biomass as energy source?

In a lot of countries kilns are fired with coal in industrial factories. This process causes harmful smoke and large quantities of CO2 to be released.

The solution

Biomass as a renewable energy source. Using biomass avoids felling trees or burning fossil fuels, so less CO2 is emitted. In addition, the use of biomass also eliminates the rotting process in the wild, resulting in the avoidance of methane (CH4).

Our example: the Santander brickyard in Columbia

Soacha is a fast-growing suburb in the metropolitan area of Bogotá. Young people from rural areas try their luck there, whilst others have been forced to leave their villages during the civil war. Countless, simple mudbrick houses are built here, with brick kilns making a good living. Since coal is cheaply available in Colombia, nearly all of the region's 40 brickworks use it to fire their kilns.

Santander brickyard is one exception, however. Its owner, Miguel Diaz, has converted his business so that it solely operates on modern, energy-efficient kilns powered by up to 80 percent renewable biomass. This way, brickyard saves approximately 18,000 tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

This exclusive ClimatePartner climate project is the first project in Colombia to receive the Gold Standard certification.

Would you like to learn more about this project or climate projects in general? Contact us, and we are happy to provide you with more information.

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Earthood Services Private Limited
Certificate type
Gold Standard VER
Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (tons CO2)

Contribution to the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Affordable and Clean Energy
The project allows for a more efficient energy production from a free source and is at the same time a positive example of modern biomass technology.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Long-term jobs with good conditions, combating child labour and modern slavery.

Climate Action
The project is estimated to save an average of 18,490 tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

How do biomass projects help fight global warming?

Biomass projects involve energy being created from renewable biomass, which could be coconut shells, sawdust, wood chips, the residue of sugar cane processing, bamboo or wood from sustainable sources. No trees are felled, or fossil fuels burned, so no CO2 is emitted.
As an additional greenhouse gas reduction measure, such projects mostly involve preventing biomass from rotting in the open air, so that no methane (CH4) is released.