Clean drinking water, where it cannot be taken for granted

Our climate project in Odisha in India

Water treatment, Odisha, India

In India, more than two million children die from cholera or typhoid fever each year. Such diseases are spread mainly through untreated drinking water, a major issue in India where only 32% of households have access to treated water. Many of them boil their water over an open fire, which in turn causes eye infections and sometimes fatal respiratory diseases due to high amounts of smoke inhalation. Moreover, due to large amounts of firewood consumption, the region is increasingly being deforested. 

A simple and affordable supply of safe drinking water can make a significant difference. That is why this project focuses on organising the chemical treatment of water using chlorine. The chloride solution is made on site so that the water can be made conveniently available in small village shops or delivered to people's homes. Those benefiting from the project do not need to rely on boiling water anymore, saving time and money that can be spent on food, medicine, and education. Moreover, a reduction in firewood consumption saves carbon emissions.

Gold Standard
Certificate type
Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (tons CO2)

Contribution to the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs)

No Poverty
More poor households have access to clean drinking water.

Good Health and Well-Being
The project helps reduce diseases related to unsafe drinking water and air pollution from boiling it.

Quality Education
Information campaigns and street theater help educate people about health risks from unsafe drinking water.

Gender Equality
Strengthen the roll of woman through time savings and trainings

Clean Water and Sanitation
This project ensures access to safe drinking water in rural areas of India.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
The project has created 750 jobs for engineers, scientists, project managers, chlorine production, and in water sale and distribution.

Reduced Inequalities
Poor families also have access to safe drinking water.

Climate Action
Families avoid carbon emissions from boiling their drinking water and they need less wood or coal which protects local forests from deforestation.

Life on Land
Reducing the demand for firewood helps protect local forests.

Partnerships for the Goals
Our long-term support facilitates projects for sustainable development in the global South.

How does technology for clean drinking water help fight global warming?

Two billion people in the world have no access to clean drinking water. Many families have to boil their drinking water over an open fire, resulting in CO2 emissions and deforestation. Where water can be cleaned chemically (e.g. with chlorine) or mechanically (with filters), or where groundwater can be provided from wells, these CO2 emissions can be avoided.