ClimatePartner introduces new solution for climate action

april 5, 2023

Mandatory emissions reduction and even greater transparency: ClimatePartner introduces new solution for climate action


  • ClimatePartner launches new climate action label "ClimatePartner certified", setting higher requirements for companies including mandatory emissions reduction targets.  
  • Individual climate-ID pages show the complete climate action journey of companies and provide transparency about all measures of their voluntary climate action commitments.   
  • Previous "carbon neutral" label to expire after transitional phase.


In the fight against climate change, the voluntary commitment of companies continues to play a central role. At the same time, the regulatory framework is changing, and existing sustainability standards are being questioned. ClimatePartner has therefore developed a new solution with "ClimatePartner certified", which takes into account the increased demands for comprehensive climate action and in particular the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.    

Companies wishing to use this new label from ClimatePartner must make an initial calculation of their carbon footprint, then recalculate it on a regular basis. Even if companies only plan to use the label for a single product, they must set organisational reduction targets and prove that they have already implemented reduction measures. In addition, companies must contribute to global climate action by financing climate projects. The new "ClimatePartner certified" label is a confirmation and symbol of a company’s climate action commitment.  It refers via a link or QR code to an individual climate-ID page, through which consumers can fully understand the climate action journey of the relevant company. At the click of a mouse, it is possible to see, among other things, what reduction measures have already been implemented and what goals the company is pursuing in order to achieve long-term climate action.   

Moritz Lehmkuhl, founder and CEO of ClimatePartner, explains: "Our new label 'ClimatePartner- certified' not only places higher demands on climate action commitment, but also confirms that this is pursued in the long term and becomes part of the corporate strategy. This is a decisive further development, because it is no longer about individual climate action efforts, but about continuous reduction in combination with transparency around companies’ sustainability journeys." 

Climate action contribution for individual services, events, and more still possible

As climate projects continue to be an indispensable part of global climate action, ClimatePartner will also offer other organisations the opportunity to contribute. These are usually companies that are still at the beginning of their climate action journey, or individual projects and one-off services, such as events, for which long-term reduction targets cannot be defined. In these cases, certified climate projects can be supported to help generate urgently needed investments to meet the 1.5 °C target. This voluntary commitment can then also be signified by a "Financial climate contribution" label.   

Maximum transparency is also important in this case: "We have seen in the past how important it is that climate action is made visible and that companies as well as end consumers engage with it," says Lehmkuhl. "We are continuing our strategy of helping companies to communicate their climate action commitment in a credible way with our previous and already established ID tracking. Here, too, consumers can find out on a website which climate projects have been supported."   

The previous ClimatePartner "carbon neutral" label will be phased out after a transitional period.   

ClimatePartner provides the answer for urgently needed new solutions for voluntary climate action by companies 

A lot of time and commitment went into the development of the new solution: A team of climate action experts at ClimatePartner has worked intensively for the last two years, obtaining external input as part of a stakeholder consultation process, further developing the methodology and software, and expanding the range of consultancy services. "ClimatePartner certified" is a new quality mark and a further milestone in voluntary climate action. ClimatePartner has therefore registered a certification trademark for this new label, through which certified companies’ ongoing commitments to climate action are confirmed.    

Further information on "ClimatePartner certified" is available here.